AR Gaiters prevent sticks, stones, dust, grit, sand, mud and seeds from getting into your socks and shoes. This reduces the chance of blisters by keeping your feet clean and irritants out. This also increases the longevity of your socks. And, wearing AR Gaiters prevents your laces hooking and coming undone.
We have FIVE core models of AR Gaiters for adventure racing, orienteering, trail and road running, walking, and hiking.
Mini Gaiters – These everyday gaiters cover the mouth, tongue and laces of the shoe to prevent trail debris (sand, grass seeds, sticks, stones and mud) from getting into your shoes. This reduces the chance of blister formation from friction and prolongs the life of your socks by keeping them cleaner and free of prickly grass-seeds.
Transition Gaiters - Like Mini Gaiters, these are made for trail shoes. Transition gaiters have a rear velcro closure so you can put these on and take them off without having to take off your shoes.
Hiking Gaiters - Similar to our classic Mini Gaiters, Hiking Gaiters have been designed specifically to fit over above-ankle hiking boots. With Hiking Gaiters, you will no longer spend hours picking grass seeds off your hiking socks.
Bush Gaiters - Bush Gaiters have been designed with lowveld and highveld grasses in mind. They are more resistant to penetrating grass seeds and more abrasion resistant. Hikers, farmers and hunters will appreciate the effectiveness of this model.
Desert Gaiters – This is a full-shoe covering made for desert and beach running. You won’t have to stop – not even once – to empty sand from your shoes.
Adventure Gaiters – Built for orienteering, adventure racing and bush whacking, Adventure Gaiters are comfortable and hard wearing. The shin is padded and covered with abrasion-resistant fabric. Lycra covers your calf. Leave trails behind and blitz your own path with confidence, knowing that your shins are protected from thorns, cuts and jabs.
Rollerskate Gaiters: We made these on request, and they work exceptionally well to keep white skates clean while adding colour and flair.
If you’re into hiking, trail running, staged races, desert races, orienteering, adventure racing, farming and hunting, our AR Gaiters are for you.