
If the product you ordered is unwanted, we will accept it back provided that the product is returned to us undamaged, unused and with its undamaged original packaging within seven (7) days of purchase. You may choose whether to exchange the product for another or to receive a refund.

Note that we will not refund the courier cost that was incurred to deliver the product to you. The courier cost to return the product to us will be for your expense.

If we accidentally sent the wrong product to you, don't open it or use it. Please notify us and we will arrange for the product to be collected from you at no charge and for the correct product to be delivered to you.


Defective items under warranty can be returned to us to determine whether the product is eligible for repair, replacement or a refund to you. Note that it is your responsibility to return the item to us and that the courier cost to do so is for your account.

Damaged on delivery

Should a product be damaged or missing any parts or accessories at the time of delivery to you, please notify us within two (2) days of receiving the delivery. We will arrange to collect the product from you at no charge. We will replace the product as soon as possible or, if the same product is out-of-stock, we will credit or refund you.